Thursday, November 20, 2014

Letter B

What is the letter of the Week (clap clap) 
What is the letter of the Week (clap clap) 
What is the letter of the Week (clap clap) 
It's the letter "B"
A capital "B" has two bumps and a lower case "b" has one bump

Mystery box, Mystery box, What's inside the mystery box... 

On Monday Michelle found a BEAR inside the Mystery box

On Tuesday Michael found a Ball (A Beach Ball) in the mystery box...

On Wednesday Benjamin found a picture of Benjamin in the mystery box...

On Thursday Aaron found BREAD in the mystery box...

Everyone loved eating "Bread" for lunch
On Friday we reviewed everything we learned that starts with the letter "B". Bear, Ball, Benjamin, and Bread. We formed the letter "B" using special wooden blocks.

We even made the letter "B" with our bodies.
"BALL" starts with the letter "B"
Morah showed us a ball that we decorated by ripping up tissue paper and crumple it into a ball. We then took our crumpled tissue paper and put it on the black part of the soccer ball. 

Our Nursery friends are really enjoying learning the letters, numbers, and shapes. In the block area a lot of our friends made letters, numbers, and shapes on their own. 
Matthew made the letter "A"

and the Hebrew letter Aleph

Chaim Tal made some circles

And the letter "B"

Benjamin and Dori worked together to make a triangle and other shapes

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