Saturday, November 22, 2014

All About My Family and My Feelings

This Week we continued learning ALL ABOUT ME. We continued learning about loving ourselves, loving our friends, and loving Hashem. 
We also learned that we love our Family and our family loves us

We learned that we love our mommy's and our Daddy's and they love us.

 We learned that our grandparents love us
and that we love our brothers and sisters.

 Morah Diana read us a book about the people in our families.

We wanted to see how many people are in our families. Morah helped us by drawing our mommies, daddies, sisters, brothers, and babies on the white board. Then we worked together to count how many people were in each family. We learned that some people have more and some people have less people in their family. 

We got to work making a project about our family. We learned how to trace a house and got to pick which color our house should be. We chose pictures of ourselves and all the people in our family that live in our house. We glued them down and counted how many people we have in our family.

This week we started learning about our feelings. We started by learning about HAPPY and SAD. Morah showed us a mouth so we can see when we are happy we smile and when we are sad we have a frown.

Look at our HAPPY faces

Look at our SAD faces

 Look at our SCARED faces

Morah Showed us a feeling chart of Happy, Sad, Angry, and Scared faces.

Morah talked to us about what we can do when we are happy, like smile and give ourselves a hug.

 Morah also talked to us about why we can feel Sad and some friends gave ideas like when we get hurt or when someone fights with us. Morah gave us an idea of using our words to say sorry when we fight and when we hurt someone by mistake.

Morah also spoke to us about feeling Angry and Scared and she gave us some ideas like taking a deep breath (smelling the flowers and blowing out the candles) and getting a hug when we are angry or scared.

 Everyone worked on a project of making a face by gluing down 2 eyes, sticking down 1 sticker nose, and coloring hair and 2 ears on a paper. Then Morah helped us put on the mouth and showed us the special trick of turning it up or down to make it a smiley happy face or a sad frown face.

 Next week we will continue to review our feelings and we will get a chance to use our feelings chart in the library center. In the Library we can use the chart by pointing to how we feel and use the three different ideas (Hug, saying sorry and using our words, and taking a deep breath) to help us feel better.

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