Sunday, December 7, 2014

All About My Five Senses (Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling)

This week we continued to learn All About Me.
We learned about our five senses.

Last week we learned about the different parts of our body and we learned about taller and shorter. We measured our body height on the wall and found that Ben and Noya are taller than all our nursery friends and that Shira is shorter than our nursery friends.

Morah told us, "that we are all going to grow big and strong just like our Mommy's and Daddy's."
Morah chose Shira (a girl) and Ben (a boy) to lay down on the white paper so she can trace their taller and shorter bodies.

 All the nursery friends helped Morah figure out what's missing on their face and body.

 Matthew and Aaron helped Morah put on Shira's eyes

Shira showed us that she has a happy face
 Illana helped Morah put on Shira's happy face mouth.
 Dori helped Morah put on Shira's nose
 Dalia and Michelle helped Morah put on Shira's 2 ears

 Daniella and Shira put on her 2 hands.

All the nursery friends got a turn to help Morah Put on all of Shira's and Ben's body parts.

Then we split up into two groups and colored shira and ben. We also added a bow for shira and a kippah for ben.

We used Shira's and Ben's full body pictures as a way to learn our five senses. 

Morah introduced us to Mr. Potato head. Morah explained that he is missing all his body parts and we have to help him find them this week.
We started by helping him find his eyes so he can see us. Morah put his eye in and we all waved to him.
We practiced seeing by looking into a mirror. If we close our eyes we cant see ourselves but if we open them we can. 

 Morah even showed us a white diamond and if we look through special colored blocks the white diamond changes colors.

 We use our eyes to see so we went to check if Shira and Ben's pictures have eyes to see.

Morah showed us that Mr. Potato head cant hear us and that we need 2 ears to hear. When she put in his ears we all yelled "Hi".
Morah showed us that if we cover our ears and whisper it's harder for us to hear. If we open them and stay quiet we can hear better.

We all opened our ears and closed our eyes and morah made different noises behind her back. We were so surprised to hear the different sounds. Then Morah took out 3 instruments she asked each of us to close our eyes and open them and guess which instrument made the sound. 

We found Ben and Shira's ears.

We looked at Mr. Potato head and realized he can't hold/touch Morah's hand Because he's missing his 2 hands.
 Morah taught us that we can use our 2 hands to touch and feel different things.

We can feel soft and hard (soft felt and hard block)

 We can feel wet and dry (a tissue and a wet wipe).
 We can feel smooth and bumpy
We split into two groups and sat with the Morah's to feel the different things.

We found Ben and Shira's hands

We learned that we need our Mouth to eat our teeth to chew, and our tongue to taste. We added a mouth to Mr. Potato head.
 Morah made two cups one with sweet sugar and the other with sour lemon juice. All the nursery friends got to pick which one they wanted to try. Most of the children tried sweet sugar and really liked it. two brave friends Nir and Shira chose the sour lemon.

 Mr. Potato head is still missing 1 thing his nose to smell. We added his nose and all got a turn to smell different bags of smelly things (cloves, cinnamon sticks, a candle).

When we finished learning about all our five senses we all worked hard making our own Mr. Potato head projects.
Morah demonstrated how to do it an we all got to work adding each part at a time.

 Some friends even made faces with the food on their plates.

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