Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Color Blue and Breakfast Skills

 This week learned the color BLUE. We looked at a BLUE Circle and a BLUE Square. We looked at a box full of BLUE objects.

A BLUE ball
A BLUE crayon
 In our classroom we have three different colored tables. We have the RED table, the YELLOW table, and the BLUE table. Now that we know all three of these colors we know who sits at which color table.
 Morah Rivky showed us the three different colors of the tables. We each got a turn to say each color and put our picture on the color table we sit at.
Aaron Sits at the RED table

Matthew sits at the YELLOW table
 At breakfast time we are learning how to feed ourselves. We learned that we have a bowl, spoon, and cup that we use for breakfast. We learned how to take one piece of cheese at a time from the serving plate. This week we started learning how to pour our own milk into our cereal bowl and cup. This is a very hard skill but with practice, We know we will get it.

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