Saturday, March 7, 2015


PURIM  "פורים"

משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה 
Purim celebrates the bravery and wisdom of a simple Jewish girl, Esther, who became queen to Achashverosh, King of Persia. King Achashverosh's first wife was Queen Vashti. One night the King demanded that Vashti would come to his party. She refused and was sent away.
King Achashverosh, seeking a new queen noted the lovely Esther, niece to Mordechai, leader of the Jewish people, exiled in Persia. Haman, evil helper to Achashverosh, decreed that everyone should listen to him, but when Mordechi refused, Haman got angry and told the king that the Jews are different from us and we should  get rid of them.  Mordechai told Esther that she had to tell the king the truth. That she was Jewish and that Haman wanted to send her and her people away. Esther and the Jews fasted and davened to Hashem for  3 days for a miracle. Esther went forth to the king to plead for her people. Achashverosh's heart was softened and Haman was sent away.

 We really enjoyed listening to the Purim story.

We were busy every morning working on 
                            our beautiful Purim projects.

                                                                  Dancing Clowns 


                                                               Mishloach Manot  

On Wednesday, March 4, we celebrated Purim with our friends from Nursery 2 class. We had an amazing time singing, dancing, and we even did the 4 mitzvot of Purim.

                             Our Beautiful Purim costums. 

1.listening to the Megilah

 2. Giving Tzedakah.
3. Dancing and singing.

  4. Exchanging Mishloach Manot.

We enjoyed baking  Hamantash 

Yummy Yummy In My Tummy
Happy Purim!

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