Saturday, March 28, 2015



Every day, we were very busy making beautiful projects for Pessach.

In every generation, a person must believe that Hashem will take us out of galut (Exile) speedily. 

We learned that on the night of Pesach, we read from a special book called a Haggadah There are 14 steps to the Haggadah
We all worked hard making our very own Haggadah to take home to share with our families.   



                            The four question (Ma Nishtanah)

 Our Seder Pesach placements

We also made the Seder plate. There are six kinds of foods that belong on this plate. Each thing reminds us of how the Jews felt working in Mitzrayim.

We get ready for Pesach by cleaning every room in our house and getting rid of all of the Chametz. (Chametz is bread and other food made out of grains, besides for Matzah). We try not to eat any Chametz on Pesach.

On the night before Pesach, we hide ten wrapped pieces of bread all over the house. Then, Abba makes a Bracha and searches the house for the bread and other crumbs. We call this Bedikat Chametz

We played a number game about what we put on the table on the night of Pesach 
1- Seder plate.
2- Candlesticks.
3- Three Matzot.
4- Cups of wine. 


 On March 19, we welcomed a new month in our Jewish calendar which is Chodesh  Nissan.
During the month of Nissan, the Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Pesach. On Pesach we remember that Hashem took the Jews out of  slavery from Egypt (Mitzrayim). We celebrate Pesach for eight days, and we eat matzah.

                   We all enjoyed listening to the story of Pesach.            

So long ago, in the land of Egypt, there lived a mean king named Pharaoh who made the Jewish people slaves. The work was hard and we needed to be saved.
Pharaoh announced that new born baby boys were not allowed to live. This made the Jewish people sad.
There was a Jewish mom who had a baby. She saved her baby, put him in a basket boat, and sent him down the river. The baby’s sister Miriam watched the basket for a while. Batya, the Egyptian princess, saved the boy. She pulled him out of the water and brought him home to the palace. She named the baby Moshe and raised him as her child. 
Moshe grew up to be brave and strong. He saw the Jewish people working hard. He felt their pain and knew that King Pharoah was making the wrong choices.
One day while Moshe was out in the desert, he saw a burning bush. He heard Hashem’s voice coming from it. Hashem told Moshe it was his job to take the Jews out of Mitzrayim. Moshe was afraid that he would not be able to, but Hashem believed in Moshe. He reminded Moshe that he was strong and brave, and he could free the Jews.
Moshe listened to Hashem, and went to King Pharoah to speak with him. He asked Pharoah to please let the Jewish people leave Mitzrayim. Pharaoh wasn’t being kind and said he wanted to keep the Jews as his slaves. Moshe told him Hashem will bring trouble to the whole Mitzrayim unless Pharoah will let the Jewish people leave. Pharoah didn’t listen to Moshe and the trouble began. The ten plagues were too painful.
Pharaoh was afraid and ran to Moshe fast. The Jews were not harmed. They were protected by Hashem. Pharaoh changed his mind and said, “This time I want you to go. Please leave Mitzrayim now.” He had enough of the plagues. The Jewish people packed up all their things and made bread for their way. There wasn't enough time for the bread to rise before they baked it so they carried it on their backs with all their stuff and left Mitzrayim. Finally they were free from Pharaoh and being slaves.
On their way, they were trapped and concerned. The Mitzrim were coming to get them back. The Jews had no where to run since there was a big wavy sea right in front of them. But Moshe trusted Hashem. He waved his hands over the water and the water split in two parts. The Jewish people were able to walk through on dry land until they got to the other side of the sea. Hashem saved the Jewish people.

The Jews worked hard.

Building the pyramids.

Baby Moshe in the basket.

The 10 chances that Hashem gave Pharaoh.

The water turned in to blood.

he water split in two parts.

 The Jews did not have time for the bread to rise. 

Testing the Matzah and bread.