Every day, we were very busy making beautiful projects for Pessach.
In every generation, a person must believe that Hashem will take us out of galut (Exile) speedily.
We all worked hard making our very own Haggadah to take home to share with our families.
Our Seder Pesach placements
We also made the Seder plate. There are six kinds of foods that belong on this plate. Each thing reminds us of how the Jews felt working in Mitzrayim.
We get ready for Pesach by cleaning every room in our house and getting rid of all of the Chametz. (Chametz is bread and other food made out of grains, besides for Matzah). We try not to eat any Chametz on Pesach.
On the night before Pesach, we hide ten wrapped pieces of bread all over the house. Then, Abba makes a Bracha and searches the house for the bread and other crumbs. We call this Bedikat Chametz
We played a number game about what we put on the table on the night of Pesach
1- Seder plate.
2- Candlesticks.
3- Three Matzot.