Monday, December 22, 2014

The story of Chanukah

 The Story of Chanukah

  In the month of Kislev, we celebrate a very special holiday, which
is Chanukah.

 We enjoyed listening to the story of Chanukh.

 Many years ago when the Jewish people lived in Israel. They all loved Hashem so much, that they built him a beautiful big shul, which was the Bait Hamikdash. They loved learning the Torah and doing a lot of mitzvot, until one day, a very bad king named Antiyochus came to Israel, and made the Jewish people stop listening to Hashem. But the Jewish people wanted to do the right thing, and that is when Hashem made a miracle and saved the Jewish people from the bad king.

 We learned that the Jewish children where hiding to learn Torah, but when the bad people came to check on them, they started playing with Sevivonim (Dreidels). There are 4 letters on a drediels נ Nun, ג Gimel,  ה Hey, and ש Shin. 
נס גדול היה שם (Nes Gadol Haya Sham) means a big miracle  happened their.

When the Jewish people went back to the Bait Hamikdash, they saw all the olive oil that they used to light the Menorah spilled. They found only one little pitcher of oil that was enough for one day, but Hashem made a miracle and the oil lasted for eight days. That is why we get to celebrate Chanukah for eight days and eat yummy potato latckes and jelly doughnuts that we fry in oil. 

We can light the Menorah with oil or candles. A special helper that we light the Menorah with, is called a Shamash. 
We really enjoyed making all the beautiful projects for Chanukah.

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