Monday, December 29, 2014

8 days of Chanukah #2

8 days of Chanukah #2

This week, we continued celebrating Chanukah in our classroom.
We had so much fun baking yummy Doughnuts, frying delicious Latkas, and shaping play dough with cookie cutters in the shape of a Menorah, and Dreidels.


 On Tuesday, we said goodbye to Chanukah and we welcomed the new Hebrew Month, Tevet. 

We learned that in this Chodesh (Month), we welcome  CHOREF (Winter season) and we have a lot of Snowy days.

 Chodesh Tov & have great Winter break.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Our Chanukah Recital

Our Chanukah Recital

We had such a great time at our Chanukah Recital. We loved being Maccabees and enjoyed singing and performing for all our parents and friends. 

We wanted to say a big Thank You to Dori's mom for playing the piano at the recital. 
Happy Chanukah!!!
Love Morah Rivky and Morah Leah